Location:> Encinitas CA
Owner: Sonia Jones and Salima Ruffin
Contractor: Jacor Construction
Website: www.joisyoga.com
Jois Yoga is an extension of the Ashtanga philosophy and practice developed by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore, India in the early 20th century. At Jois Yoga shalas in Encinitas, students receive instruction in Ashtanga yoga though the vehicle of parampara–uninterrupted succession–in a lineage that traces directly back to the Mysore teachings of Pattabhi Jois, Sharath Jois, and Saraswathi.
Jois Yoga apparel is designed to allow physical flexibility, with the intention of inspiring spiritual flexibility. The building interiors incorporated a clean and minimal design to keep the space light and airy with a spiritual feel.